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Neil McInroy | Devo Manc is a Flawed Democracy
Arianna Giovannini | Devo Manc is a Flawed Democracy
Neil McInroy - CLES
Rethinking Poverty - Neil McInroy, Director of CLES
DevoManc, the Mayor, and defending the NHS
Neil McInroy CLES speaking at Digital High Street 2013
Part 1 - Political Values: the Case for More Democratic Local Economies
'Power to the North?' The political and economic future of Northern England
Transport for the North Conference #TfN20 | Breakout 6: Devolution and the North-South Divide
Episode #13: Samuel Barnes on Missing Axioms, Explicit and Implicit Values, and Authentic Moments
The Nineteenth Amendment: Dahlia Lithwick in conversation with Melissa Murray
Revere City Council Meeting (1/29/24)